
How To Slide Backwards With Neon

Neon is one of the fastest agents in Valorant. Equipped with abilities that heighten her speed in the game, she can surprise her enemies past rushing into corners. Although she'due south an agent that can easily fit into a "high risk, loftier advantage" playstyle, the duelist can be used to boss the enemy through sheer speed and agility.

That said, there are a few interesting means in which her abilities can be used. Interestingly enough, her High Gear power in Valorant allows her to dish out some interesting moves, making it harder to kill her. However, in club to execute these moves perfectly, a skillful knowledge of the map is required.

Hither are some really interesting means in which players tin can use Neon'due south High Gear ability in Valorant.

How to backslide with Neon in Valorant?


The Backsliding ability does exactly what the proper name signifies. It gives players the power to slide backwards. This can exist used to chop-chop head back into cover afterwards peeking through a corner. Not only does it assistance in doing so apace, but information technology can also exist used to acquire intel while heading into big open up areas.

Recidivism with Neon is highly dependent on timing. One wrong move and she will just stand up still, instead of moving backwards. That said, at that place are two specific types that ane can execute in Valorant. The get-go i is a jumping regress, while the second 1 is a running variant. Here'south how to execute each of these techniques in the game.

Jumping Backslide


The jumping backslide is pretty easy to acquire in Valorant. To perform this, players volition accept to initiate their High Gear power to be able to trigger the slide. With it enabled, they volition have to run forward and then jump.

The moment they're about to hit the basis, players will have to hit the "s" key to move backwards and trigger the slide at the same time. If washed correctly, Neon volition start sliding backwards.

Running Regress


This is comparatively more hard when compared to the jumping regress. Instead of pressing the "s" key the moment they land the jump, players will have to press it and the slide push button whenever they want to slide backwards.

This requires more than precise timing when compared to the jumping regress. However, if one can manage to do it properly, information technology tin can yield some really interesting scenarios. Moreover, if used properly, these two techniques can get in harder to impale Neon in Valorant.

Overall, these techniques rely heavily on timing. To practice these two, players might consider heading into the Range and trying a forward jump finish. This can be done past running ahead and jumping frontwards.

The moment they spring, they need to permit get of the "west" key to stop moving forward and press the "s" key instead. This can help perfect the timing for the jumping backslide.

The same tin can exist done for the running regress, but instead of jumping, players can keep running forward and so quickly printing the "s" key to start moving in front. Perfecting this technique takes a lot of practice and muscle retentiveness, something that is very essential to be proficient in the game itself.

Edited by Sohan Dasgupta


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